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Topics related to Dane County. This includes county gov’t and places outside of Madison.

dane county week ahead

County Week Ahead 1/6/20

County Board meeting cancelled, public hearing on gaps in mental health and AODA treatment, parks plans and more.

Local Government Guide is Back!

This work was initially done by myself, Brenda Konkel, for Progressive Dane about 3 years ago.  Technical difficulties happened and over the past three years I continued some of the work here at Forward Lookout.  I'm in the process of merging the work and expanding the guide.  Let me know what you think!

How Much is in Candidate Campaign Warchests?

I took a look at what people had in their campaign accounts coming in to the 2020 Spring Elections for Madison City Council, Madison School Board and Dane County Board of Supervisors - for those who had campaign accounts in 2019.  Here's what I found.

Madison/Dane County/School Board Hide Behind Open Meetings Laws?

So, nothing is worse than when public officials use open meetings laws to thwart public information.  I was reminded about how they did that with the Cap Times during the F-35s debate.  See what I found in my open records request.

17 Illegal Dane County Board Meetings in 2019?

Command central of the county board meets in a "Pre-Board Meeting Chairs Meeting" on Thursday's at 3:30 a week before each board meeting. I'm told there are no agendas or minutes of these meetings.  So, what do they talk about?

Madison and Dane County Week Ahead

There are two local government meetings this week at the City of Madison, Madison School Board and Dane County Board . . . that we know of.
round up

Madison Area Round Up

A round up of things you may be missing around the holidays.  Not much going on with local Madison, Dane County and School Board government, but here's a few things that may be of interest.

Dane County Board Recap

From Thursday night - the brief, final meeting of the year where they approve an additional $11M for jail consulting services, allow refugees in Dane County, mental health access center and more.

No Week Ahead!

Enjoy the government meeting free holiday week!  No city, county or school board meetings scheduled for next week!
2020 spring candidates

How many new faces will we see on the county board?

9 people have officially stepped down, 2 more seem extremely likely. 2 incumbents have challengers, could be up to 13 of 37 new faces as of now!

Refugees welcome in Dane County (Updated: And WI!)

Madison, WI - Dane County Board telling County Executive Joe Parisi to "offer consent to initial refugee resettlement" to comply with Presidential Executive Order.

Dane County Jail Consultants to get 197% Increase in Contracts

Madison, WI - $11M increase.  Extended project timeline, revisions to plans, different sub-consultants added to the cost.  A parting gift from 11 (or more?) outgoing supervisors.