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Topics related to Dane County. This includes county gov’t and places outside of Madison.

Long Overdue Round Up

You're probably wondering why I'm slacking . . . well, I've been sick for the last week. If you go to a...

Protests everywhere . . .

In several states and throughout Wisconsin.

Random Round Up

All kinds of things going on, they are not full posts on their own . . . so here they are mashed together! WILLY ST...

An Official Explanation – Removal of Homeless from Lake View Hill

Homeless Issues Committee gets a pretty bizarre explanation of what happened. A tale of two very different realities.

TRC Silent Auction Tonight!

Brink Lounge, 701 East Washington Ave., 5 - 7 pm . . . check out all the goodies and thank the donors!

Overture Round Up (Updated!)

This is one of the many meetings I didn't make it to last night, but here's some of the information you might be interested...

Mayor (I’m Off to Sweenden) Message to Council . . .

on Overture . . . ouch.

Overture Updates/Round Up (Updated)

Lots and lots of meetings this week, most not on the schedule yet. The meetings Sunday and Monday are on the weekly schedule, without the agenda, but there are here and here. Here's some updates on the meeting on Friday, and plans for the council to meet on Thursday. And, a few not so smart moved by Overture folks.

Embedded Bruer

Quite often in politics, it is much easier to elect the incumbent than to sit and think and compae the candidates and figue out...

Get your Norwegian on!

Krumkake, lefse and . . .no luteisk?

50 – 60 New Units of Affordable Housing for the Homeless!

We have over 500 chronically homeless, mostly individuals in the City of Madison, so this is a significant start! Here's my summary of the meeting last night.
Dane County Week Ahead

County Week Ahead

12 meetings, county board meets this week, only 3 meetings before 4pm!