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Topics related to Dane County. This includes county gov’t and places outside of Madison.

County Board Finance Committee 43 Budget Amendments, 9 Fee Changes in 45 Minutes

Now that's efficiency!  And lacking in transparency and public accountability! Who did actually decide what made it in to the amendment packets and what didn't?

County Board Budget “Uber Amendment” is out

Let's take a look at what magically appeared in what must have been discussions held behind closed doors between last Wednesday and tomorrow night when the Personnel and Finance Committee meets and likely unanimously approves this package with little public discussion.
round up

Round Up – Monday 11/4/19 (UPDATED)

A hodgepodge of mostly City updates, including Free Thanksgiving meals and Madison Activist Calendar Updates.
Dane County Week Ahead

County Week Ahead

Tuesday is the night when the Personnel and Finance Committee votes on their final recommendation to the budget, see what they are proposing later today.  County Board meets Thursday.

3 Nights of County Board Budget Meetings

Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday the Personnel and Finance Committee heard presentation on amendments that passed committees and was the public's last chance to speak on the county budget.  Very few non-county employees showed up to testify.  The committee votes on their recommendation next Tuesday, 11/5 and County Board votes less than a week later on Monday, 11/11. Let's see what's still on the table!
Round Up

Round Up, Thursday Oct. 31

Starts with the snowplowing updates, and can only get better from there!

Jail Project Updates

Tuesday night the "Jail Consolidation Committee" and Public Protection and Judiciary Committee had a meeting where they got a presentation on the jail progress.  Wednesday night the jail project was presented to the Urban Design Commission.

Last Chance for Public Input on County Budget Amendments

Tonight, tomorrow night and Wednesday night!
Round Up

Round Up – Monday, October 28

A little bit of this and a little bit of that.  Updates, alerts, community meetings, etc.

County Board Pay Raises

On the 18 page Personnel and Finance agenda you will find that county board members are proposing giving supervisors (previous 33% increase) and the county board chair  (previous 40% increase) more raises and paying committee chairs an additional $100/mo.
Dane County Week Ahead

County Week Ahead

Budget, budget, budget, county board pay raises, jail updates and Intergovernmental agreement between City and County for Public Health.

What does the Dane County Mental Health Report Say?

Well, its 91 pages and still reading, but here's some highlights! Here's the main recommendations and some points of interest!