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Topics related to Dane County. This includes county gov’t and places outside of Madison.

Social Justice Center Turns 12 years old!

12 years . . . seems like only yesterday. Gives awards to Chuck & Connie Smalley and the TAA!

Offending County Parks Memo

Following up from yesterday, here is the memo that they had all written that the public didn't get to see and they blindsided everyone with. I added a few comments.

Assembly Votes Today To Destroy Tenant Rights

At 5am this morning, I found out about 9 amendments to AB183 that the Assembly will be voting on today at 1:00 or at some time after that. Guess I better quick figure out what these amendments do . . . .

Still Here! Tiny House Village Updates

I got a little distracted this week . . . for a good cause!

Sheriff Wants His Staff Back.

Says there is a need for more officers, threatens work on domestic violence issues, says they can't tell him what to do, criticizes the study that was done, cuts medical staff in the jail, says that its not worth individual monitoring of special needs inmates to prevent suicide and threatens that there will be more overtime, which they have no choice but to pay.

Davin Pickell: I Love Bluephies!

But, our family will not be coming back to Bluephies**

Trumka- “It already has!”

I was recently given the opportunity to sit down with AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka. Mr. Trumka was very cordial and positive and had...

McDonell Official Announcement Running for County Clerk

Not really news, but its official with some big endorsements.

Occupy Update

Today is day four of being back at the 800 E Washington site and the police or other city departments have not been back to ask people to leave or inspect the camp.

Homeless: Damned if you do . . .

Wow. Occupy Madison found a piece of private property to move to, notified affected staff and elected officials, talked to the neighbors, did everything we were told to do, and now a week before we are to move, the property owner is being threatened with $11,460 in fines if we move there. I've been saying it for a while, but . . . there is NO LEGAL PLACE TO GO!

System Fail! An Update

If you have been following the blogs about the person with the .6 BAC and lack of services for the person - I have more bad news. I only got 3.5 - 4 hours of sleep last night . . .

Reality of the New Tenant Landlord Laws Sinking In

One painful interaction at a time.