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Topics related to Dane County. This includes county gov’t and places outside of Madison.

County (Elect New Committee Chairs) Week Ahead

Lots of guessing here . . . hard to tell with the lack of information available on the internet and other information not easy...
dane county week ahead

Dane County Week Ahead – Committee Agendas

A look on what's on the Dane County committee agendas this week!  PFAS updates at Lakes and Watershed meeting, jail deflection and diversion report, county board meeting and more.

Mayor’s Office War on the Homeless, Part III

Ok - so that list of police calls in Part II was a little bogus and over-exaggerated, but there were some real issues in there. Yesterday, two gems of emails came out from the Mayor's office. Here's the latest on the Mayor's office campaign to rid themselves of the homeless in the building

OM Build Tiny House Village!

By Occupy Madison, Inc. . . . a new place for our workshop and a place to park 11 tiny homes. It is at 2046 E Johnson St. (Sanchez Motors) where Johnson splits and goes past East High, North Street and towards E. Washington. Next to B-cycle and near the PDQ. om build johnson st property 2 om build johnson st property

Dane County Board Recap

This is the meeting after the meeting about the jail.  The County Board's regularly scheduled business meeting.  Usually consisting primarily of announcements and rubber stamping the committee recommendations, so I usually haven't been blogging it.

11 days and counting . . .

So, I was so pissed off about the Director of Planning and Community and Economic Development Director's comments, I forgot to do my daily update on having NO PLACE TO GO! This was briefly discussed at the council last night, I will get a full report on that tomorrow, but for now . . .

Other Not in the News Round Up

Upcoming events, requests non-profits, neighborhood association news, etc. It's been a while, so my apologies if your events have already gone by and I didn't post them . . .

Breaking: Madison City Council Passes Immigration Resolution

Wow! Unanimous vote for Immigration resolution. Solomon, Sandborn, Clausius, Schumacher and Pham-Remmele absent. Compton co-sponsored even.

Dane County Republicans Gone Wild!

What more crazy shit could they do? I want someone to apologize for this. I love my facebook friends, check out this awful/crazy press release about Judge Sumi if you haven't already seen it, their behind the scenes explanation of what they really meant and some of the comments from my friends.

MABA Endorses Brandon, Not Bruskewitz

MABA = Madison Area Builders Association. Usually MABA, the Realtors, Apartment Association, Chamber, Smart Growth Madison (developers) go for the same candidates. ...

System Fail! An Update

If you have been following the blogs about the person with the .6 BAC and lack of services for the person - I have more bad news. I only got 3.5 - 4 hours of sleep last night . . .

Blaska/Mahoney’s War on “Illegals”

The recent dust up at LaFollette West, with a LaFollete student got Blaska blathering again . . . or did he, himself, say "whining" . . . .