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Topics related to Dane County. This includes county gov’t and places outside of Madison.

Local Government News Round Up

I'm catching up from taking a break from email for a long weekend, so I've missed a bit and I'm behind, so I thought I'd share because I'm guessing others are in my boat!  This is last week and the holiday weekend local government news updates.

Recovery Coalition of Dane County Ask for Jail Vote Delay

"We feel that at the very least, the Dane County Board of Supervisors should postpone making a final decision on funding to the Jail until this study is complete."
Dane County Week Ahead

County Week Ahead

All meetings on Tuesday and Wednesday this week. Personnel and Finance Committee will be voting on the $10M land purchase and $225M jail.
Round Up

Round Up

A menagerie of local government and city of Madison things going on around town . . . this one was collected over the past week . . .

Where is Dane County Getting All Its Money?

$150M jail, $10M for the largest land purchase in Dane County's history, $90M for the Alliant Energy Center.  In the past 10 years the entire capital budget averaged only $36M per year.  Just one of these projects is a significant increase in county spending.

Local Government News Round Up

Last weeks local government news - check to make sure you didn't miss something of interest!
Dane County Week Ahead

County Week Ahead

Who's going to pay for the Alliant Energy Center, 2 committees vote on the $150M jail, who sits on the County Zoo Board, purchasing land, Criminal Justice Council meets and more.

The Afforable Housing Crisis in Madison and Dane County

Brenda Konkel filling in on WORT-FM 89.9 Community Radio on A Public Affair with guests Olivia Parry from Dane County Planning and Development and Linette Rhodes, Community Development Supervisor with the City of Madison.

Jail Update – Flying By Quickly!

The resolution to double the price of the $76M jail to $150M will be introduced tonight and voted on in three weeks - while 37,200 - 45,000 Dane County residents have no representation on the County Board.

Local Government News Round Up

This is a bit late, I got into a gardening project or two last week and abandoned all thoughts of blogging, but it was half done, so I finished it!  Here's the round up of last week's news in case you had your own gardening project or other distraction and didn't pay attention!
Dane County Week Ahead

County Week Ahead

County Board meeting at East Highway Garage for tour of the landfill (insert joke here). Zoning has some items but not much else.

Dane County Board Jail Presentation

Last week the press started telling us the details of the 4 jail options. Thursday the County Board met in as a "Committee of the Whole" an hour before the County Board meeting to hear a presentation from Mead and Hunt (this blog post is primarily that meeting). Tonight, two county board committees are deciding which alternatives they want. Slam bam thank you mam and public input and racial equity analysis be damned.