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Topics related to Dane County. This includes county gov’t and places outside of Madison.

City Loses Tax Fight with Adams Outdoor Advertising

A cool million or more for the taxpayer to pay . . .

Rainbow Bookstore is Doing a Play!

Yup - it's a fundraiser for your favorite bookstore! And a true community treasure that needs your support!
round up

Round Up

Hello world!  Here's a little round up of things that have come up in the last week you may be interested in - all local government or community related.

GOOD NEWS! I think some policies have changed at the Porchlight Shelters

Call me cynical, but I don't really believe it. It seems like so many people have different understandings of what the shelter rules are and it appears there is a really good reason for that.

No Wonder it is so Absurd . . .

The other day I blogged about how absurd running a non-profit can be these days . . . yesterday, I had this chart sitting on my desk and I think I stared at it for an hour, trying to figure out how it got so absurd. A death of a thousand cuts, I guess. Check out the real numbers behind the anecdotes about why nonprofits are struggling, at least for one non-profit I am intimately familiar with.

McDonell has double the Money in the Bank

Twice as much as the other candidates. Will money win in this election? And, ahem, Brandon, where's your report? McDonell Continues to Lead Money...

Rick Marolt: Cruelty is bad . . . Unless money is attached to...

Continuing the series about symptoms and causes of “The Problem” …
round up

Delinquent Round Up

I'm not going to admit how many days its been . . . but its been a while.  Here's some of the latest!

MCAD/201 Reject Nearly All the Council Amendments

Here are the amendments again, with the responses from MCAD/201 on the Overture proposals. Of course, the council will have to first discuss if they are amending the alternate, or the alternate, alternate. And likely, few of these will pass with the responses from MCAD/201. I'm beginning to think they won't have 11 votes for anything. And we'll be doing a repeat on the 14th.

Help Save Community and Goverment Access Television

USA Today is paying attention to WYOU, our own community television station, but is Madison? It's ours to lose, or save. And our government access channel is also losing funding and will see changes.

Thankful: A Tiny Step Towards Housing (formerly) Homeless Individuals

Recently Occupy Madison held a 5 year anniversary party for the Occupy Madison Tiny House Village - and it was a reminder that the hard work and perseverance was so worth it.  Here's a brief look at the event and how you can help.


XTBKSOTYSLDHYSIT? Sometimes the alphabet soup drives me nuts, but if you live in S Madison or drive, walk or bike on John Nolen Drive or Broom or Blair or Wilson or the Bike Trail, you'll want to know what this is . . .