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Topics related to Dane County. This includes county gov’t and places outside of Madison.

Immigration Resources With Links

I got this through one of the list serves from the Children's Hospital, but thought it might be of interest.  It came with this note "This is not a comprehensive list but it’s a tool we created to use with our team and clients. It might be helpful to direct service staff."
Round Up

Round Up

This round up is the bi-weekly round up of emails and info that reaches my email inbox that I think you might be interested in.  This one seems REALLY city heavy.
Round Up

Round Up

Almost 20 different things in my email inbox I think readers of this blog might be interested in!  Cuz I can't make 20 more blogs than the ones I already do . . . 

Local Government News Round Up

Last weeks local government news - check to make sure you didn't miss something of interest!
mo' meetings and round up

Mo Meetings and Round Up

So irritating that before 9am there are already new city meetings posted that weren't there Friday afternoon . . . and a smattering of other things going on around town . . .

People’s Affordable Housing Vision Round Up

In terms of getting press for something you care about, I can't think of a worse thing to happen to a press conference, than for the County Executive to announce her surprise resignation an hour before your press conference.
Dane County Week Ahead

County Week Ahead

Not many meetings this week. Racial disparities for homeless persons, public hearing on lake flooding, and county board to study more jail options, purchase park land and more.
mo' meetings and round up

Round Up

A random list of things that end up in my email inbox that I think you might be interested in.

Local Government News Round Up

I'm catching up from taking a break from email for a long weekend, so I've missed a bit and I'm behind, so I thought I'd share because I'm guessing others are in my boat!  This is last week and the holiday weekend local government news updates.
Round Up

Round Up

Now that everything is done being closed, where do wild creatures go when it's cold out, grace period to pay your property taxes, school board forum and more.
Dane County Week Ahead

County Board Week Ahead

County Board meets this week - Zoo is probably the biggest agenda item, but they are also adopting their legislative agenda, hiring or extending contracts for several staff people and more.
Dane County Week Ahead

County Week Ahead

County Board will be getting the report on why our ridiculous $76,000,000 jail is now going to cost $150,000,000.