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Topics related to Dane County. This includes county gov’t and places outside of Madison.

Madison’s Youth Climate Strike, Friday

Thanks to Carrie Sherpelz for passing along this information and the photo!

Join those Saying No to F-35s in Madison

1,000 homes and countless businesses, plus schools and affordable housing will be impacted,  creating a huge dead zone on the Northside of Madison. Take action today!
Dane County Week Ahead

County Week Ahead

Criminal Justice Council looks at decarcertation plans and changing its membership, purchasing land for Babcock Park and more.

Catching Up with Flooding Issues (County)

So, on Monday (today) there will be a meeting of the Yahara Chain of Lakes - Lake Levels Task Force and they have two reports they will be looking at - one is a report from the technical work group (Feb. 1, 2019). The other is recommendations of the Stormwater Technical Advisory Committee of the Dane County Lakes and Watershed Commission and the Capital Area Regional Planning (May 4, 2017). So, what are the solutions? Here's a summary of my very un-expert view of the over 100 pages of reports.
Round Up

Round Up!

It's been a while! Here's a few things that landed in front of me in the past week you might be interested in!  Alder community meetings, city updates, community events, free trainings, surveys, focus groups and open houses to give your local government input, etc.

New County Human Services Director Announced

She still has to be approved by the County Board, but this is County Executive Joe Parisi's choice. As a comical side note, I applied. Never heard from them, hmmm. :)
Round Up

Round Up

This round up is the bi-weekly round up of emails and info that reaches my email inbox that I think you might be interested in.  This one seems REALLY city heavy.
Round Up

Thursday Round Up and Mo’ Meetings

Mo' meetings, news and very little extra to add today. With Rosh Hashanah, budget, flooding and Koval's retirement, seems like there is room for little else!
Dane County Week Ahead

County Week Ahead

A joint meeting on Tuesday to make recommendations on the jail and a joint meeting on Thursday to discuss lake levels.

No issues with schools and youth in Madison?

Imagine if there was a committee where school board members, county board supervisors, city alderpersons and the community came together to discuss how to improve the lives of young people in Madison and Dane County. How powerful could that be? And why did former Mayor Paul Soglin and former School Superintendent Jen Cheatam, along with now School Board President Gloria Reyes keep trying to reign in that committee? Now that they are free . . . what could they be?
Round Up

Friday Round Up 9/27/19

This is oh so very late . . . hopefully you are out having fun and starting your weekend.  So, for the record, here's what I got and you can read later!
Round Up

Round Up

Almost 20 different things in my email inbox I think readers of this blog might be interested in!  Cuz I can't make 20 more blogs than the ones I already do . . .