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Topics related to Dane County. This includes county gov’t and places outside of Madison.

A Homeless Person Sums It Up

This email came to me this morning and I thought it was a good summary of where we are at. Not my words, but someone experiencing it. From his perspective, things look really bleak going in to winter. Not necessarily new, but the promise of change, the hope of things getting better . . . may have made things worse for many.

Worst Reporting Ever?

Or . . ..

TIF . . . Change our Policies or Not?

The Economic Development Commission recommended a bunch of changes last spring, the council created an ad hoc committee which has been meeting since July to review the recommendations and it seems they are contemplating some changes, but maybe not all those recommended by the Economic Development Commission . . . lets catch up with that conversation. Is the candy store wide open with no one there to guard it? Or are the EDC recommendations falling a little flat.

Dane County Republicans Gone Wild!

What more crazy shit could they do? I want someone to apologize for this. I love my facebook friends, check out this awful/crazy press release about Judge Sumi if you haven't already seen it, their behind the scenes explanation of what they really meant and some of the comments from my friends.

Follow up – Making it Hard To Go To Rehab

.6 BAC . . . should be an automatic ticket to rehab, but its harder than you would think.

Occupy Tear Down Incredibly Ironic and Unfair

Volunteers needed . . . along with laundry facilities, tools, etc. to help recycle Occupy.

Video: Warning, think before you eat Lake Monona and Starkweather Creek Fish

Only 1 meal (8 oz) of bluegill a week and the rest of the fish only each once a month.  Don't touch the foam either.  Other lakes haven't yet been tested, but will be.
Dane County Week Ahead

County Week Ahead

Tuesday is the night when the Personnel and Finance Committee votes on their final recommendation to the budget, see what they are proposing later today.  County Board meets Thursday.

The Ladies Like Joe . . .

Parisi that is. The endorsement wars continue . . .

More Service Cuts

You gotta be REALLY poor to get free clothing from Community Action Coalition, who in the last year cut their hours, now they are cutting who they serve.

An Official Explanation – Removal of Homeless from Lake View Hill

Homeless Issues Committee gets a pretty bizarre explanation of what happened. A tale of two very different realities.

What You Need to Know if Voting Today

Voter ID bill has some changes that go into affect already today . . . so read up on what to expect. This information is for the 48th primarily, but affects everyone.