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Topics related to Dane County. This includes county gov’t and places outside of Madison.

In Sharp Contrast to the City Council

City Council was anti-disclosure, County Board, pro-disclosure. However, they are years behind he City on the matter of electronic filing of campaign finance reports.

Men’s (and Women/Family) Shelter Services During Cold Snap(s)

Ok - here's what he have for the next few days, slightly confusing, so hopefully people can help pass the info along to everyone and everyone . . . bans lifted through Wednesday morning!

Slow/No Wake Zone for Lake Monona

I probably should have posted this over the weekend . . . since it started on Saturday.

Proposed County Human Services Cuts

On Friday, the County Department Budget proposals came out. And many non-profits "got the call". Here's some of the cuts that I've heard about so far.

County Board Budget is NOT Good News

The spin is killing me. Saying there are a "few concerns" but a lot of good news is pure bullshit. After 10 years of constant cuts and flat funding (essentially cuts as costs rise and funding stagnates) for non-profits that are the work horses of the human services system, this is nearly laughable . . . or cryable.

County Week Ahead

I'll see if I can make any sense of their agendas . . .

Want to Influence How the City Deals with Homelessness

Now is the time, this is the place.

Go Dane County Board Women! It’s About Time!

They hold half the leadership positions for the first time ever!

HUD Wants Us To . . . Part IV: Leverage Mainstream Resources

Mainstream resources, how can we connect them to housing to help people be successful in housing?

City and County Week Ahead

One meeting

Renting from Apex: Where do you pay the rent?

Apparently, Apex Property Management and Anchor Bank are in a dispute, and their tenants are caught in the middle. To make...

SCFL Fails to Endorse Mahoney

Hmmm . . . major labor group doesn't recommend sheriff for endorsement due to his ICE policy . . . I'm glad someone is...