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Topics related to Dane County. This includes county gov’t and places outside of Madison.

City, County and School Board Week Ahead

Only the city has meetings this week . . . and only has 3 meetings, or maybe 2 or maybe 1, not sure. No county or MMSD school meetings.

An Overview of Bus Rapid Transit by Al Matano

I organized an informational meeting on the on the future of transit in Dane County prior to the August meeting of the Dane County...

Petition Away!

After a full year of the City of Madison blocking electronic petitions, the signatures should start going through today! Yay! Unfortunately, how we got here was a little ugly

County Week Ahead

County Board Meeting this week . . . will anyone notice?

Iced In (by Mary Jo Walters)

Make some calls, get updated, ask, when will Marijuana be legal in Wisconsin?

Dignity? Respect?

So, I'm reposting something Tami Miller from Friends of the State St. Family wrote . . . because I am still thinking about it this morning.

Still Here! Tiny House Village Updates

I got a little distracted this week . . . for a good cause!

Dane County Board Elections – Why it Matters – Beware the Gang of Ten...

Earlier I wrote about filings of candidates for the 37 seats of members of the Dane County Board of Supervisors. With only 7 contested...

County Comp Plan Meeting Cancelled tonight

Heidi Wegleitner says . . .
Guess what happens when people are more likely to get information regarding county meetings from your blog than the county website? Government asks you to post the *notice of cancellation* of the Comp Plan Steering Committee meeting (on housing) which was scheduled for tonight. Please and thank you. And, I understand if you can't get to it. It is not your job. (But Todd V. is nice and he asked nicely, fwiw. :)

Smokin’ Hot – by Mary Jo Walters

This is now a blog post in a comment block, thanks Tori!

Eight ideas for a snowy day

Apropos of nothing, here are a couple of ideas that could make life better for the less well-off in Madison. It is by no means exhaustive, nor is it meant to be a list that solves all problems. Not everyone is going to like all of them, so it’s worth reminding folks that Brenda is not the only person who blogs here, so don’t go blaming her for these.

Let’s GoGo!!!!!

Please help spread the word, it is just as important as donating at this point!