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Topics related to Dane County. This includes county gov’t and places outside of Madison.

Tiny Round Up

There's just not much out there today to round up . . . and so much to try to cover tonight!

Support Community Radio at Noon Today!

If you're one of my many supporters who want to see me continue my media work, please help show your support today during the WORT Pledge Drive . .. 256-2001 . . . I'll be interviewing Bill Lueders on this new book Watchdog: 25 years of muckraking and rabble rousing. 256-2001 . . . 256-2001 . . . 256-2001 or on the web at http://www.wort-fm.org/ and click on the little piggy bank . . . its easy . . . and important . . . and here's why . . .

TODAY: Clean Air Action Day

The City has declared one for today, here's why and what it means: WHAT HAPPENS City Agencies – Please implement your actions plans for tomorrow. PLEASE NOTE:...

Blogger Break

Um . . . I got nothin'. Or, almost nuthin'.

First Dane County Executive Debate

Here's the full debate.

Wineke Endorsement: Operative Plasteres and Cement Masons

Operative Plasterers & Cement Masons Endorse Joe Wineke for County Executive

Now, you can have input.

We've named it, decided the major elements and where they will be implemented, put money into funding it, applied for grants, staff started planning it . . . now you can tinker around the edges and we'll call it a public process. Look, you're invited to the first meeting! Classic.

REALTORS Claim “Big Victory” In Stripping Tenants of their Rights

Yesterday, Governor Walker Signed SB107 into law, it will likely be published by the Secretary of State and go into effect on December 18th - details below. You can watch here to see the REALTORS claim victory and ask for contributions to continue their work.

I May Have Done Something Stupid

But, thanks to the following people . . . I think its ok! :)

I have a new appreciation for . . .

So many things . . . . here's why . . .

WYOU Community Television – Alive and Well?

I"m no longer on the board and have had to move on to other things, but I still find the station very worthy of supporting in whatever way you can.

A Tale of Two Committees

Public Safety Review Committee and the Homeless Issues Committee had the same item on their agenda (city procedures for lost or abandoned property) on Tuesday and they had two very different reactions to the ordinance.