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Topics related to Dane County. This includes county gov’t and places outside of Madison.

Is Your Beach Safe to Swim In?

Well, don't swim in the beach, swim in the water, or wait, don't do that either, check the list first! Here's how they...


I've been on a quest to find information on the Overture, so far, I've been able to get this . . . it will cost the city up to $50M over the next 15 years. I'm hoping I made an adding mistake.

Progressive Dane, Not Dead Yet.

Not taking over the world either. Just doing what we do. Progressive Dane announces endorsed candidates for 2011 spring elections.

County Board Conservatives Gone Wild – Wasting $100,000 or more?!

Wow . . . I thought conservatives were all about saving money, not wasting it. This concerns an items that normally most people wouldn't have...

Occupy: Should They Stay or Should they Go Now?

Police are telling them one thing, the court and the city attorney said another . . .

Dane County Day Center to Provide for Basic Needs Proposed

Homeless Day Center!

Things Going on Around Town

Still trying to clear out my email . . . here's a bit, I have a bunch more!

Will Candidates Be Knocked off the Ballot?

Joe Tarr raised an interesting issue that I was just chatting with a friend about - Statement of Interest forms.

Decieved – The Big Lie.

As a former member of an elected body, I hate it when you pass something with full expectations that one thing will happen, and then a completely different thing happens. As a member of the public, I hate it when an elected body passes something without really intending to follow through. As a human being, I hate being deceived.

Video Tsunami – Part 2

Here's another video dump for those who have seen me at meeting with my camera and wonder where they go. They are also all on my youtube channel for now - until I get my livestreaming fixed again.

Post-Birthday Round Up (Part One)

I was slacking last week, lots to round up . . . so little time.

Russ Feingold – On to the Next Fight!

Here's one classy guy . . .