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Topics related to Dane County. This includes county gov’t and places outside of Madison.

Vicky for assembly

I attended my first ever candidate announcement the other day when Vicky Selkowe declared her candidacy for the 48th assembly district, replacing Joe Parisi....

Wednesday Morning Round Up

Here's the little I have for today.

Miss your Bus – Risk Getting Suspended

Yeah - this won't apply to most . . . but it applies to some . . .

Awful Federal Housing News

It will be interesting to see how this impacts Madison, looks like we could be losing Section 8 vouchers and maybe some staff. There were also cuts to CDBG (8%) funding as well. Looks like they cut 100% of the funds for Economic Development Initiative, Brownfields Redevelopment, Energy Innovation Fund and Hope VI - which I believe the city was working on an application for Truax for (not sure which fiscal year. Wonder if the council took this into consideration in passing its budget - I didn't hear it mentioned.

Help with WORT Pledge Drive Coming Up

Phone shifts available for people to answer phones and take pledges! I'm sure they would appreciate the help!

(Rest of the) County Week Ahead

Seems a little light this week . . . 13 meetings - only 10 left (sorry).

How Much Affordable Housing Do We Need?

And how much would it cost? I've been working on some numbers and I am dying for someone to tell me I am wrong! Please.

County Board Tackles Poverty

I'll give them credit, it's a tough topic, much harder than approving a development or a new siren system. And there's no easy fixes, but there are things you can do to at least not make things worse, and get good information to make good decisions.

Media? Hello, Is there anybody out there?

I had a dream the other night that I showed up for the city budget meeting and no one was there to report on it but me, a blogger. No "real media". Well . . . even tho the budget was over with before 10pm last night, I just watched Channel 3 report that you could testify tonight or tomorrow night on the city budget . . . sigh . . .


XTBKSOTYSLDHYSIT? Sometimes the alphabet soup drives me nuts, but if you live in S Madison or drive, walk or bike on John Nolen Drive or Broom or Blair or Wilson or the Bike Trail, you'll want to know what this is . . .

Dane County Planning for Housing

This only happens once every 5 years, so Wednesday is the day to pay attention! What will Dane County put in its comprehensive plan for housing?