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Topics related to Dane County. This includes county gov’t and places outside of Madison.

Friends of the State Street Family “Outreach”

Hands down, my favorite group in town! Check out the unbelievable work they do!

Can people stay at Token Creek this winter?

I had to ask.

County Week Ahead

I just can't blog at work, this should have taken 20 minutes to finish . . . an hour and a half later, no progress. So, it is what it is so far. Will finish tomorrow.

TRC Silent Auction Tonight!

Brink Lounge, 701 East Washington Ave., 5 - 7 pm . . . check out all the goodies and thank the donors!

Media? Hello, Is there anybody out there?

I had a dream the other night that I showed up for the city budget meeting and no one was there to report on it but me, a blogger. No "real media". Well . . . even tho the budget was over with before 10pm last night, I just watched Channel 3 report that you could testify tonight or tomorrow night on the city budget . . . sigh . . .

TIF . . . Change our Policies or Not?

The Economic Development Commission recommended a bunch of changes last spring, the council created an ad hoc committee which has been meeting since July to review the recommendations and it seems they are contemplating some changes, but maybe not all those recommended by the Economic Development Commission . . . lets catch up with that conversation. Is the candy store wide open with no one there to guard it? Or are the EDC recommendations falling a little flat.

Last Chance to speak to County Human Services Budget (Part II)

Who knows what amendments might come up tonight or at the county board, you need to be psychic in order to testify on the county budget apparently. They will tell you after you testify, if they let you, what they will be voting on, maybe.

Last Chance to Speak to Human Services Budget

We finally have the Health and Human Needs amendments available to the public, and this will be the last time we get to speak, even tho it is the first time we actually have amendments and can see what they are voting on. Sigh . . .

A tale of two local governments . . .

I knock the city council for many things . . . but they are light years ahead of the county board.

Anti-Democracy County Board Members

A few members of the county board have been openly discussing their disdain for the public and the message is getting through loud and clear for me. This year's budget has been the worst! I don't know why they are so opposed to public input, but its kinda disgusting.

“Collective Community Ban”

Hey - I got an idea, can we collectively ban a few people I don't like from my community. For failing to use common sense . . .

Lice . . . A week later . . .

Follow up to this, not much has changed. Apparently, its a public health problem enough to send out an email . . . but not enough to actually solve the problem. I don't get it