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Topics related to Dane County. This includes county gov’t and places outside of Madison.

City Meetings Added in the last 28 hours . . .

I am so annoyed by this . . . 4 so far . . . including the FREAKING ETHICS BOARD! There is no hope. The disregard towards the public is so engrained in the culture of city hall after Mayor Dave it is pathetic. Where are the watchdogs to make this better? We need Alder Satya Rhodes-Conway back!

County Week Ahead

Budget deliberations begin . . .

Mayor (I’m Off to Sweenden) Message to Council . . .

on Overture . . . ouch.

Edgewater Round Up

Big vote today! If this doesn't pass the Joint Review Board, the funding won't happen.

John Nolen Drive Closed this Weekend

Hopefully, you have already heard about this . . .

Scott McDonell: Which Eileen Bruskewitz would we get?

If she won the election, which Eileen Bruskewitz would we get?

Kaleem Caire’s Initial Response to the Plan to Close the Achievement Gap

Ok, I've never done this one before, but this is from the interview on Channel 3 this morning.

Watchdog: 25 years of Muckraking and Rabblerousing

Bill Lueders from the Isthmus shares some of his writings from the past few years . . . catch my interview on his book! Ok,...

Occupy will Move by December 9th if . . .

Another long day yesterday, but probably one of the most significant things that the group decided is that they can move by the second Sunday in December if . . .

Railroad Tracks Revelations

Dan Melton reports on a walk along the tracks with officials in preparation for high speed rail . . . they seemed to learn...

School Board Decision on Edgewater TIF

Brief. I got the feeling they were threatened with a law suit or something by their lack of discussion. And, despite previous...

So, did you vote?

Was there a pathetic turn out yesterday? Do the results mean anything?