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Topics related to Dane County. This includes county gov’t and places outside of Madison.

This Side of Town is Moving . . .

No worries, it will still be This Side of Town, it will just be be at . . . Forward Lookout. We're hoping...

New Edgewater TIF Info Available . . . Kinda

There's a meeting at noon on Thursday, and new information (not previously attached) came out yesterday. I'm not sure how much most of...

Edgewater Round Up

Big vote today! If this doesn't pass the Joint Review Board, the funding won't happen.

Scott McDonell: Concerned about Roads and Bridges?

Invest in Rail

Weekly Round Up

So distracted with the elections, that I have not had time for the usual round up. Here's a round up, non-elections related, not in the media items. Will do an all elections/news round up for this week this weekend

Not In the News Round Up

Well, I haven't really had time to read the news, so I'm presuming these are the types of things that don't get written about . . . see how I did . . .

MLK County Week Ahead

5 days of meetings, cuz they meet on Saturdays too.

The Legislature has really Destroyed me this week

I keep trying to pay attention and find out if the tenant laws are changing and I guess I'm going to be on pins and needles again all day . . . and all night . . . again . . .

Staff Foul!

Wow. Last night the County Parks Department staff outdid even former Mayor Dave in slimy process. This is usually done when people don't want to look bad on the issues or can't win on the merits.

Yes, Homelessness Is Increasing!

It's not our imaginations. Twice a year service providers are required to do a "Point in Time" study to see how many homeless persons we can count. From 2010 to 2013 the numbers have increased from 567 to 831 for the January 31 count. And not everyone was counted.

County Week Ahead

Only 13 meetings . . .

The County Week Ahead

Here's my shot at it, with little information easily accessible to guide me . . .