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Topics related to Dane County. This includes county gov’t and places outside of Madison.

County Manages a 5-day Week

Information deficit, makes it hard to know what might be of interest, here's my two cents.
mo' meetings and round up

Round Up and Mo’ Meetings

Late noticed City meetings and a random sampling of things I found to be of interest, hopefully you do too! West Wilson St. and E Johnson St. road reconstructions, watershed study public meetings, Bernie's coming to town (will you be able to find him?), jumping worms and more.

Kaleem Caire’s Initial Response to the Plan to Close the Achievement Gap

Ok, I've never done this one before, but this is from the interview on Channel 3 this morning.

SB107 – Landlords’ Rights Bill

It's likely to pass tomorrow (3rd Reading in the Assembly) and for those of you who lost track of all the evil that is...

Tenant Resource Center Housing Law Seminars

Coming to an area near you!

Parisi To Resign on Thursday!

From the Assembly! (Not County Executive!) There are already several people running for his seat and more jumping in.
Dane County Week Ahead

County Week Ahead

Budget, budget, budget, county board pay raises, jail updates and Intergovernmental agreement between City and County for Public Health.

1st & Last Pitch for Shared Open Spaces by Mary Jo Walters

First and LAST PITCH for SHARED OPEN SPACES in highly commercial areas of downtown Madison, Wisconsin.
dane county week ahead

Dane County Week Ahead 11/1/21

Budget season meetings cancelled, but still moving towards a final budget amendments.

Familiar Faces?

A.k.a. "frequent flyers"  . . . people with mental illness and substance abuse issues that are in and out of jail on a regular basis.  (335 people with more than 10 stays in 3 years)  What does the Criminal Justice Council think should be done?

Putting a $150,000,000 jail in perspective!

So, if you look at the 2008-2017 before the jail was in the the county capital budget, the capital budget averaged $35,851,962 per year.  Now, they want one project to cost 4-5 times the amount of all capital costs. What will that do to our taxes? I haven't seen the answer to that question.

The Ladies Like Joe . . .

Parisi that is. The endorsement wars continue . . .