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Topics related to Dane County. This includes county gov’t and places outside of Madison.

Would You Care if Madison City Channel Went Away?

Over the past few months, a committee has been looking at what they can to do save $250,000 or about half the budget of the station due to loss of PEG funding. The first draft of their recommendations are out.

Brandon’s Radical Idea #4

Had to get it in yet this month . . . just barely.

Meeting to discuss Walkers’s $900M Cut to Schools

Scott Walker's path of destruction continues, with a huge cuts to schools and more . . . here's a meeting to try to find out more information about how it will affect the schools and what can be done about it.

City Lobbying Priorities for next State Legislative Session

For some very good reasons, I did not make it to the meeting yesterday where the alders gave their input into this agenda. But here it is . . . do you see anything missing?

Be the Media!

I'm not kidding. You can be the media . . . radio, tv, blog . . . your choice! It kind of sucks to...

Random Not in the News Round Up

Lots going on in the community, and I needed to clean out my inbox . . . so here's a random list of things you should know about!

TODAY: Clean Air Action Day

The City has declared one for today, here's why and what it means: WHAT HAPPENS City Agencies – Please implement your actions plans for tomorrow. PLEASE NOTE:...

Dane County Day Center to Provide for Basic Needs Proposed

Homeless Day Center!

County Primary Week Ahead

A few county board primaries this week.

Benford Endorses Wegleitner

Since some members of the press kept trying to make a story out of Progressive Dane's wonderful dilemma of having too many candidates who want to run - I thought people might find this of interest.

Some good news for poor people in Dane County

Well, the job center is really not all that notorious for being a friendly place to go, but to not have it at all would be even more problematic. So, I guess this is good news!

Hispanic Family Attacked

Wow, this kind of makes you stop and think . . . http://host.madison.com/ct/news/local/crime_and_courts/article_80f94600-6da0-11df-bd37-001cc4c03286.html How long did it take for someone to call the police? ...