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Topics related to Dane County. This includes county gov’t and places outside of Madison.

How Bad Have the Needs/Funding Gaps in Dane County Gotten?

Here's a little taste from a few non-profits, NOT the Tenant Resource Center.

(Tenatative) County Board Budget Schedule

I don't know that this exactly makes sense, but here it is . . . 2012 BUDGET – TENTATIVE SCHEDULE (REVISED)

Benford Endorses Wegleitner

Since some members of the press kept trying to make a story out of Progressive Dane's wonderful dilemma of having too many candidates who want to run - I thought people might find this of interest.

Free 30 days in Shelter for Single Men

So, many people are missing the point of the Occupy tent city and what it provides to the homeless.

Occupy Updates and Action Plan

So, eventful day again yesterday, here's all the updates and what you can do to help

GOOD NEWS! I think some policies have changed at the Porchlight Shelters

Call me cynical, but I don't really believe it. It seems like so many people have different understandings of what the shelter rules are and it appears there is a really good reason for that.

Commuter Rail Referendum & Big Baby Blaska

To vote, or not to vote. What does it all mean anyways? It seems to be just one big fraud being perpetrated on the public. In the end, your vote means nothing. No matter what Blaska tries to say.

Federal Housing Counseling Money Gone!

Once upon a time (about 7 years ago), the Tenant Resource Center got $60K for housing counseling from the federal government to run a statewide toll-free line. Then it went to $40K, then $25K, then $20K, then $0, then $20K and now back to $0. And now, no chance of getting any money, because the entire program has been zeroed out in the federal budget. Check out what will be lost!

WTF Part II – Imagine my surprise . . .

When I saw this at the MUNICIPAL building! Not the city-county building, but the one across the street.

Tuesday (Everything but the Recall) Round Up

It will be short. Very short.

Volunteers Needed!

For several things I'm involved in, check it out!

Dane County Board Elections – Why it Matters – Beware the Gang of Ten...

Earlier I wrote about filings of candidates for the 37 seats of members of the Dane County Board of Supervisors. With only 7 contested...