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Topics related to Dane County. This includes county gov’t and places outside of Madison.

Stopping the Train

What's so scary about a train? Is Blaska right, is that why people voted for Walker, or is there a whole lot more to it? And what happens if they are successful? We lose jobs and millions of dollars in our Wisconsin economy. It makes no sense.

Redistricting Updates

Committee meets tonight, the council meets tomorrow and community meetings coming up. If you care about who your next alder might be, and who else might be in your district, now is the time to pay attention.

Tenant Resource Center Further Reduces Services

Yeah, bad time to be a tenant in need! SB107 has reduced tenants' rights and will go into effect in a week or two, TRC is reducing services because federal, state and county funding reductions. Yeah, it all rolls down hill! Which makes us all the more thankful for the wonderful community who really helped us out during our fundraiser! The best since 2008! THANK YOU!!!!

Detox: The Other Side of the Story

Something seems potentially duplicitous about Chief Wray's letter that came out at 3:30 on the same day this memo came out from Lynn Green, perhaps they just crossed in the mail, but the timing is a little goofy.

Crane and Wolf Hunt in Wisconsin

Ribeye in the sky? Should we be hunting endangered species? Speak up tonight.

Cut Food Stamps?

Action Alert from the Wisconsin Council of Churches. This drives me nuts, this is the one benefit that people down on their luck can apply for and get and get quickly. Unlike medical care, disability, housing assistance, child care assistance, etc.

This is cool . . .

From the Williamson Street Art Center . . .

(The Rest of the) County Week Ahead

21 meetings!

It’s All About Transit

Here's the show that ran last Monday at 5:30 pm and Tuesday at 6:30 pm on WYOU. It's all about transit! Taped...

TRC Rocked! And Join Us Tonight!

Great fundraiser last night! And another tonight. Please thank all our great sponsors, food donors and check out the awesome silent auction . . . several bids were put in last night . . . and you can bid starting at 5:00 - 7:00 at the High Noon tonight!

Tonight, the Social Justice Center Unveils . . .

The Nan Cheney Community Room! Stop by and see the improvements! Today would be Nan Cheney's 80th birthday, and we're going to celebrate by...