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Topics related to Dane County. This includes county gov’t and places outside of Madison.

Those High Speed Rail Station Meetings

Didn't really know what to expect, but it was more of the same. And the format was odd, they should have told the public what the format was in advance. Tho, I suspected that was the way it was going to be.

Public Housing – Making it Harder to Obtain (Please email)

Yeah, the vacancy rate is about 2%, affordable housing is impossible to obtain and so lets make it harder to get into public housing - housing of last resort for many on fixed incomes.

Dane County Turns 175 in 2011

A day late, but interesting none-the-less.

Spring Elections Update

The observant, have noticed a new tab on our website, called Spring Elections . . .

County Budget Process

The county has a much more extensive process for the public to participate in, but in many ways, it is much harder as you don't have copies of the amendments they are considering and you can't plan for their schedule if you are interested in something.

Response to County’s “Offer” Regarding Token Creek

Not much of an "offer" . . .

TIF “Discussion” – Live blog kinda.

Oh boy - I got here a little late . . . and the room is packed, they are taking more public testimony - I'm on the floor in the hallway . . . again. Can't see the committee, but can hear . . . .

Tenant’s Rights Rally Tonight at 5:00

All that is left is for the Assembly to pass SB107 which will prohibit Madison and Dane County from finding local solutions for local problems including removing laws on the books that prohibit a landlord from requiring 3 times the amount of income as rent, protecting people from being required to give their social security number, removing our protections that require a landlord to deny tenants for only housing related arrest and conviction records and limit that to two years, lets a landlord wait to ask you to renew your lease til 1/4 of the lease is over, limits security deposits to one month's rent, and requires check-in and check-out sheets and photos beofre the landlord takes money from your security deposit.

Explaining the “blah, blah, blah” . . .

Oh, I'm so busted. Good call on that one Erik. You should go read his post, and then mine will make more sense. And, because its a really good argument for how you can get involved with citizen journalism.

Falk Recommends Disolving CARPC

Yup. I'm not kidding.

Join the People’s Affordable Housing Vision!

I lied, I am posting! Here's a quick re-post on an important issue! Come to the meeting on Tuesday, join the facebook page, sign the petition and get involved in real life! Lets get the affordable housing and related services we need in Dane County for the homeless and lets create a truly diversified city and county that supports our families, our schools depend on it!

10am Thursday, Hearing on Landlord Bill

Yeah, it doesn't even have a bill number yet!