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Topics related to Dane County. This includes county gov’t and places outside of Madison.

County Board Recap

County Board meeting and hearing on redistricting, in less than 45 minutes.

SB107 – Landlords’ Rights Bill

It's likely to pass tomorrow (3rd Reading in the Assembly) and for those of you who lost track of all the evil that is...

Jill Stein, Green Party Candidate

If you missed her when she was here in Madison, here's about a half hour of her talking with Matt Rothschild and then some Questions and Answers with the audience.

Who Pays to Bury Poor People?

The county used to have a fund, it became a state function in last year's budget, but seems like that is not working out so well. Check this out.

Need An Attorney, Ask the Court to Appoint One!

Usually, they only appoint attorneys in criminal cases or in guardian ad litem cases, but now, you can (and should in some cases) ask...

County Board Supervisor Heidi Wegleitner: Human Rights Crisis and We are Responsible

Kick ass email! I wonder if she got any responses. I suspect not.

County Week Ahead

Also unusual.

City Week Ahead – Change Number One

 Mon, Jun 17, 2013 at 9:01 AM NOTICE OF MEETING CANCELLATION Meeting: MADISON ELECTION ADVISORY COMMITTEE on 6/17/2013 4:30 PM at ROOM 108 CCB has been...

Why Can’t We Plan for Winter, Holidays and Homeless Services?

This is just embarrassing. Apparently, its just too complex and we've never done it this way before - so we weren't prepared. Really? You gotta be kidding me.

Would You Care if Madison City Channel Went Away?

Over the past few months, a committee has been looking at what they can to do save $250,000 or about half the budget of the station due to loss of PEG funding. The first draft of their recommendations are out.

TIF “Discussion” – Live blog kinda.

Oh boy - I got here a little late . . . and the room is packed, they are taking more public testimony - I'm on the floor in the hallway . . . again. Can't see the committee, but can hear . . . .

City Loses Tax Fight with Adams Outdoor Advertising

A cool million or more for the taxpayer to pay . . .