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Topics related to Dane County. This includes county gov’t and places outside of Madison.

TGIF Round Up

Sadly, it'll be more than an 8 hour day . . . and . . . I'm on the radio (Mitch's show) at 9:00 with Blaska . . . and Jed Sanborn.

16 Ethics Complaints Filed Re: Overture

Davin Pickell has been a busy man. He's filed ethics complaints against the Mayor Dave Cieslewicz, Mayor's Staff Paraino, Tom Carto, Dierdre Garton, Council President Mark Clear, Council Pro Tem Lauren Cnare and Council Office Staff Lisa Veldran. The Ethics Board hasn't seen this many complaints in at least 15 years, there's 15 of them!

County Week Ahead

If you don't understand all the alphabet soup - its ok, I don't either, so I can't really help you out.

Evil Returns . . .

September 13th . . . the Legislature goes back into session. There are two rallies planned for that evening. We're starting to hear what's on the agenda, here's a little taste of the treats they have in store for us!
Round Up

Round Up!

Random things you might be interested in, mostly related to local government and the City of Madison.  Many additional government meetings.

Dane County Turns 175 in 2011

A day late, but interesting none-the-less.

Scott McDonell Starts Running TV Ads

A link to the ad included.
Dane County Week Ahead

County Week Ahead

Only one meeting this week? 3 meetings were cancelled.

Camp Quixote and Quixote Village

Olympia Washington . . . perhaps the smallest city by the numbers, but clearly a larger metropolitan area. 50,000 population, roughly.

Short County Week Ahead Too

Makes for easy blogging . . . budget and RTA . . .

Whose House? Our House! Is M&I Listening?

On Friday, Take Back the Land held a rally and press conference about a house being foreclosed on by M&I Bank. Check out their proposal on how to match housing with people.

Crane and Wolf Hunt in Wisconsin

Ribeye in the sky? Should we be hunting endangered species? Speak up tonight.