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Topics related to Dane County. This includes county gov’t and places outside of Madison.

A Homeless Person Sums It Up

This email came to me this morning and I thought it was a good summary of where we are at. Not my words, but someone experiencing it. From his perspective, things look really bleak going in to winter. Not necessarily new, but the promise of change, the hope of things getting better . . . may have made things worse for many.

Current Plan to Fininsh TIF Policy

Thanks to Chris Schmidt for shedding some light on the process and trying to make it more transparent.

Big Surprise.

Not. Who didn't see this coming. After further consultation with the public, yeah, sure. Which Monona Terrace Station do you want is not much of a choice.

Board of Estimates Recap

Sorta live blogged (I'm not a fan!) so I can go to Plan next . . .

MABA Endorses Brandon, Not Bruskewitz

MABA = Madison Area Builders Association. Usually MABA, the Realtors, Apartment Association, Chamber, Smart Growth Madison (developers) go for the same candidates. ...

Alders Seek Reimbursement for Inappropriate Use of Madison Metro Buses

By the Republican Senators . . . Larry Palm, Shiva Bidar-Sielaff and Chris Schmidt will likely be joined by many others in asking...

Salvation Army Cuts Sunday Morning Community Meals

More service cuts, Tenant Resource Center, Community Action Coalition . . . and now, the Salvation Army

Tenant’s Rights Rally Tonight at 5:00

All that is left is for the Assembly to pass SB107 which will prohibit Madison and Dane County from finding local solutions for local problems including removing laws on the books that prohibit a landlord from requiring 3 times the amount of income as rent, protecting people from being required to give their social security number, removing our protections that require a landlord to deny tenants for only housing related arrest and conviction records and limit that to two years, lets a landlord wait to ask you to renew your lease til 1/4 of the lease is over, limits security deposits to one month's rent, and requires check-in and check-out sheets and photos beofre the landlord takes money from your security deposit.

Still $XXX in Cuts to Human Services

It seemed like good news when County Executive Parisi announced he would "restore" $1.9M in funds, and more good news for some came from Health and Human Needs, but even if Personnel and Finance pass all the amendments, there are still XXX in cuts to Human Services.

Thank you Channel 3 for Advancing Civility!

So, Neil Heinen's editorials are not always hard hitting. Getting a board to have a definite agreed upon opinion on a subject without disagreement is probably not always easy, but they got it right on this one! And in the process, helped me make a point about nasty internet comments on other websites, like madison.com or thedailypage.com forum and how they should have a more responsible commenting policy.

Did you hear me rejoicing!

After working closely with and getting to know my new friends, this service is greatly needed for a few of them!

City and County Week Ahead . . . .

Uh, don't hold your breath . . .