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Topics related to Dane County. This includes county gov’t and places outside of Madison.

TGIF Round Up

A full week of round up, computers are all fixed, I have access to all my notes and pictures again. All is good....

Progressive Dane to Discuss Achievement Gap

I'm guessing this discussion may be a little different than others, but we'll see.
homeless and coronavirus

Updates on Madison/Dane County homeless services amid COVID-19

Homeless services are not subject to the state and Madison/Dane County Public Health orders limited gathering to 10 or more people, instead, homeless people are being forced to congregate to get life sustaining needs met - food, shelter, etc.

County Week Ahead

Also, County Budget season!

Speak Out Against F-35s on Monday

Speak Out Against F-35s! Monday, September 23 - Help us spread the word and lift up the voices of the community, in the most affected areas.

City, County and Schools Week Ahead

4 city meetings, 1 county, 0 Schools
dane county week ahead

Dane County Week Ahead 9/8/20

10 meetings, 2 have missing agendas.  County Board budget hearings start this week.
dane county week ahead

County Week Ahead 5/23/22

Also forgot to post!  Interesting times at the county, joint meeting on the jail, gender nuetral bathrooms, investigation at the zoo . . .

Spring Elections . . . Boys, Boys, Boys

It is a Boys Club still . . . check it out, where are the women candidates? Only a few women in the alder races. Here's the latest as the close of the day yesterday of who is running.
Round Up

Round Up, Thursday Oct. 31

Starts with the snowplowing updates, and can only get better from there!

Right to Dream Too

It's a little awkward to think you know anything about a place by visiting for an hour, but here's some of my observations about the Right to Dream Too homeless "rest area" in downtown Portland, right at the entrance to the Chinatown area of the city - it was just a few blocks from our hotel.

Madison City Council Won’t Stand Up Against Citizen’s United?

Republican Party applauds them!!! What?! The Democrats on our City Council applauded by the Republicans?! I've been asked to explain and I can't. What happened, this should have been a slam dunk. Is it because the Council knows better than Mike McCabe and the Wisconsin Democracy Campaign? Or, they hate the Mayor? Or, they love the Chamber of Commerce and the Madison Area Builders Association?