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Topics related to Dane County. This includes county gov’t and places outside of Madison.

TRC: Iron Chef Battle Is On!

14 chefs are furiously cooking at home right now, preparing tasty treats just for you tonight!!!

Candidates Tapped as Most Likely to Solve City’s Housing Crisis

Sorry - we gave no money. Not as sexy. Funny, we only endorsed two who got money from the Chamber of Commerce - coincidence - or clear difference of opinion of what we need for this city? Or, was it because those who got money from the Chamber didn't bother responding to our survey? See where their priorities are - with the people who need their help, or the people who can help them with money?

“Shocking” Levels of Contamination Found at Madison-Kipp Corporation in Recent Tests

Recent tests at Madison-Kipp Corporation reveal “shocking” levels of PCEs in groundwater beneath the factory and offsite, according to Dr. Lorne Everett, an international hydrogeology expert and key witness in the RCRA civil lawsuit brought by neighbors against Kipp. Everett, who has worked with hundreds of contaminated sites worldwide, concluded that Madison-Kipp is “one of the most contaminated sites that I’ve ever worked with.”

Those Numbers . . .

I keep rattling off the numbers, and everyone wants them, so here they are . . .

County Week Ahead

Only 9 meetings . . .

Suffer til we build housing?

Really Mayor Paul? You're killing me.

Absurd! Housing Market!

OK - LET ME MAKE THIS CLEAR, THIS IS NOT A RIP ON PORCHLIGHT, just an indication of the extreme difficulty in finding housing.

Day Shelter Updates

Week 17 update and upcoming volunteer appreciation event. 2 weeks left and then . . .

The Twilight Zone: The Madison Homeless Shelter System

by David Gegenhuber

County Week Ahead

Also unusual.

March Madness: Phase II & III

3 or 4 phases, phase 2 started last night, 3 starts today. Phase 1 complete: 150 single men run out of days in the shelter on March 10th. They will only be let into shelter if it is less than 20 degrees or there is "extreme weather", definition of that, unknown

Examining The Homeless Shelter System – Part I

Earlier this week the Homeless Issues Committee held a meeting designed to look at the homeless shelter system policies. This will be a three part series that reveals what happened.