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Topics related to Dane County. This includes county gov’t and places outside of Madison.

Parisi Limits County Board Options, Now Threatens Walker Wheel Tax Veto

Er, vehicle registration fee. There are a lot of people who have signed on to the idea of a Walker Wheel Tax, and Tuesday night the Personnel and Finance Committee heard from many about the their support of a Walker Wheel Tax.

County Budget Instructions – POSITIVE!

THE SKY ISN'T FALLING!!! The first time we have heard that from an Executive - City or County - IN YEARS! 10 or more . . . and yes, that was a COMPLIMENT for Joe Parisi. Thank you!


We've been working on updating the community calendar we have, and you will start to see events there again. If you have events...

Who is doing more for Homelessness and Poverty?

Well, the city has their heads buried in the sand and are busy pointing fingers at the county . . . the county is working a little harder at the legislative level (head buried in sand at executive level). Check out just this week's meeting schedules for an example.

Occupy Needs . . .

Ok - people keep asking me what they can do for Occupy, and here's the list . . .

Wednesday Morning Round Up

Here's the little I have for today.

Operating Budget – Public Health

A joint meeting of the Board of Estimates for the City and the Personnel and Finance Committee for the county - except the later does not have quorum. The meeting is to approve the Dane County and City of Madison Public Health Department Budget. Read on, you can read the rant about the "hobos"!

Unaffordable Affordable Housing

There's a new "affordable housing" project - unfortunately, even people on section 8 (rent capped at the 40th percentile of area rents), but it could be a great opportunity for those just above those income limit.

May Day Rally

Madison will March for Immigrant and Workers' Rights on May First

What Do You Want to See in Our County Parks?

Give input on line, get info, attend meetings, let them know.

March 10th: 157 Homeless Men are Out of Days/Done At Shelter til November

And they are the lucky ones - women and families don't have these same opportunities . . .
Round Up

Weekend Round Up 10/14/19

Friday's was jam packed, this one is a little light.  Lots of items in the news columns tho!