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Topics related to Dane County. This includes county gov’t and places outside of Madison.

Embedded Bruer

Quite often in politics, it is much easier to elect the incumbent than to sit and think and compae the candidates and figue out...

I went to Jail for Justice . . .

Didn't actually find any . . . but didn't expect to. The media didn't cover our other good works/news/the rally, but they did cover people being arrested. And, it must have been the right thing to do . . . as we were able to help a friend out in the process.

March Madness (Homelessness) Rally

Here's most of the videos I have from the March Madness Rally. One more coming.

County Week Ahead

20+ meetings again . . .

We All Must Oppose The Expansion of School Vouchers

The Monona Grove Board of Education, building principals and district office administrators, and teachers (Monona Grove Education Association) join together to urge legislators to...

Property Owner Willing to Stand Up to City!

Willing to go to court to defend his right to have Occupy camp on his land.

Homeless: Damned if you do . . .

Wow. Occupy Madison found a piece of private property to move to, notified affected staff and elected officials, talked to the neighbors, did everything we were told to do, and now a week before we are to move, the property owner is being threatened with $11,460 in fines if we move there. I've been saying it for a while, but . . . there is NO LEGAL PLACE TO GO!

March Madness Rally – The Homelessness Madness

Friday, 5:00. Odd time? Yes. There is a method to our "madness". Come find out what it is!

Silly County Games

I go to a parks commission meeting and ask three questions, the chair of the committee, thanks me for coming, tells the staff to respond and when they respond, who do they send the response to . . . hint: anyone but me.

(The Rest of the) County Week Ahead

21 meetings!

Can’t Get An Answer from the County . . . Again

If you send an email and no one responds for 12 days and you have asked specific questions that need to be answered because the event happens in 18 days and may involve arrests, seizure of property and who knows what else, what do you do? WWBD? Something considered "annoying" and "counterproductive", I'm sure. :)

Daytime Warming Shelter Update

So, I always love it when people point our really obvious flaws about life in general in the city - besides lack of public restrooms and lockers that the homeless and everyone else could use - today's issue - garbage cans. It's always the simplest of things to solve the "issues".