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Topics related to Dane County. This includes county gov’t and places outside of Madison.

City and County Week Ahead . . . .

Uh, don't hold your breath . . .

County Budget Schedule

The city has had their schedule up for months, here's the counties, but I haven't found it on the website yet . . .

Today’s WTF?! Moment

Remember way back when . . . we had just elected a Mayor and County Executive that said they understood and were going to do something about poverty. Do you remember last April? (yes, a mere 5 months ago) Based on the way the budgets are going, at the moment it seems as tho they have forgotten those campaign promises. But even when it comes to non-budgetary items . . . it seems the message has not gotten through, check this out.

Day Shelter Updates

Week 17 update and upcoming volunteer appreciation event. 2 weeks left and then . . .

County Week Ahead

Also no meetings tonight, but a packed rest of the week

Monday Morning Round Up . . .

Going old school . . . there's a bunch of stuff at the end that I didn't yet add to the events calendar, so they are here for now . . .

Hmmm, still not much news Round Up

Guess everyone is on vacation? GENERAL M&I PAYS MILLIONS TO LEADERS WHO FAILED Good job if you can get it. And we all pay. But...

Whoa, What Just Happened?

Occupy. Summons, Complaint, Motion for Temporary Restraining Order and Brief in Support filed, parties served (they deny it), hearing held, no order issued but an agreement reached that people can stay past noon on Monday (til 4:00), structures (hoophouses) can stay til Wedensday at noon no matter what and after a hearing on Monday at 4:00 they may be able to stay even longer!

Slow/No Wake Zone for Lake Monona

I probably should have posted this over the weekend . . . since it started on Saturday.

Mayor’s Office War on the Homeless, Part I

And they are passionate about it - I haven't quite figured out why its so important for them to get the homeless out of the City-County Building, but they are determined. And holy crap, I forgot about the Sargent vs O'Lauglin divergent views of the county. Do we have stockholders we need to watch out for? Or are we a community with a safety net? Or will we build an island for misfit toys to put people on?

Midweek Round Up

I have a big grant due tomorrow, so this has to be quick!

Need Leaf Mulch?

Get Mulched!