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Topics related to Dane County. This includes county gov’t and places outside of Madison.

Overture’s Over Round Up

I missed the first 3.5 hours of the meeting, so I have no recap of the council meeting this morning . . . other, more important things to do last night . . . here's what's going on around town.

RTA Draft Plan for Transit

Some anti-RTA folks are trying to play up the lack of specifics in the RTA's plan that recently made the news.  To assuage their...

CAST (Communities and Schools Together) Stands with Teachers!

CAST defends public education, supports protests.

Scott McDonell: Which Eileen Bruskewitz would we get?

If she won the election, which Eileen Bruskewitz would we get?

More Not in the News Round Up

Still catching up on my long list of blogging topics . . . so here some more things you should know that I didn't get to yesterday! More for the "good news" portion of the blog!

Silent Auction Items for Tonight

Great holiday shopping opportunities, and you can help a great cause (Tenant Resource Center) at the same time!

Wednesday Round Up

Nothing about who is running for governor or which websites went black yesterday here, just local stuff that I can find!

Most Effective Sit In Ever!

It would have happened today at noon and 6:00

On your own again this week.

Sorry, one more week of weak blogging.

Week 9 Homeless Day Center Update

Things going so much better than last year. Why? Staff attitude! Which created better attitudes all around. Oh, and check out the blog!

Thuy Pham-Remmele to Sheriff Mahoney

What in the world is this about? And why were others cc'd on this?

Mayor Names Committee to Review Overture Center

8 people chosen to review the Overture Center proposal, will council approve them on Tuesday?