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Topics related to Dane County. This includes county gov’t and places outside of Madison.

Dane County Week Ahead

County Week Ahead

Very short county board meeting, but three new supervisors being sworn in. Alliant Energy Redevelopment committee meets to regroup on its funding, and Executive Committee will be discussing the size of the county board.

Ask County Board Supervisors to Sign F-35 letter

I've heard of about 8 supervisors that are willing to sign on to the letter against F-35s. Other's are predicting 15 of the 37. Will your county board supervisor sign the letter tonight?
mo' meetings and round up

Round Up and Mo’ Meetings!

Random things you might want or need to know! Or perhaps just frivolous and uninteresting items, you decide! Let me know!

The Craziness in District 46!

Wisconsin's District 46, has been very ably represented by Sun Prairie Democrat Gary Hebl. Since Representative Hebl has the market cornered on...

Local Government News Round Up

Last weeks local government news - check to make sure you didn't miss something of interest!
Round Up

Weekend Round Up

Weekend news and news buried on Friday (usually bad news), Decarceration community panel discussion and several other community events.

Rep. Chris Taylor: F-35 military jets pushed by Corporate Interests

She compares efforts to bring F-35s to Madison to ALEC in how "big corporate special interests, through they wealth and power, often dominate policy making, to the great detriment of actual people." It's time to speak up!
Dane County Week Ahead

County Week Ahead

Meetings on only Tuesday and Wednesday this week. Presentation to Health and Human Needs and Public Protection and Judiciary on the Mental Health Study, employee handbook meetings, Henry Vilas Zoo and more.
Dane County Week Ahead

County Week Ahead

Only 4 meetings, all of them Monday this week. Very long Personnel and Finance Agenda.
Dane County Week Ahead

County Week Ahead

County Board will be getting the report on why our ridiculous $76,000,000 jail is now going to cost $150,000,000.

Reviewing Sheriff Mahoney’s Campaign Finance Reports

I took a look at the endorsement list and was surprised, found out some folks were improperly listed and so I thought I'd look at the campaign finance reports, because support there is unmistakable. And of course, I found more interesting stuff that I expected. And I'm wondering, do these folks all support his ICE policies? Many of the names, of course, are the same.
Dane County Week Ahead

County Week Ahead

Only 11 10 meetings.