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Topics related to Dane County. This includes county gov’t and places outside of Madison.

How Much Affordable Housing Do We Need?

And how much would it cost? I've been working on some numbers and I am dying for someone to tell me I am wrong! Please.

MRFY: Doing Great Work Around Homeless Youth

I continue to be surprised by the numbers of homeless people on the streets, hidden all over the city. Perhaps some of the most compelling stories come from the young people - many of them out there on their own. Check this out.

Manski Out.

Groan. Um, would have been nice to know this three days ago - in the interest of "honesty and transparency". And democracy. And...

What an Honor

These just got posted to Facebook, so I am just seeing them now, but it is one of the best compliments . . .

EANR: Let Occupiers Stay At Token Creek Til May 1 (Part I)

It was unanimous, with the conservatives leading the way! Wiggy was phenomenal - meaning he really understands what is going on at Token Creek and articulated it well. Such a bizarro world.

Who is doing more for Homelessness and Poverty?

Well, the city has their heads buried in the sand and are busy pointing fingers at the county . . . the county is working a little harder at the legislative level (head buried in sand at executive level). Check out just this week's meeting schedules for an example.

Stunning Housing News

Wait lists are so long for public housing they are closing the housing lists as of March 1st. I haven't seen it this bad in the 20 years I've been working in housing.

March 10th: 157 Homeless Men are Out of Days/Done At Shelter til November

And they are the lucky ones - women and families don't have these same opportunities . . .

Response to County’s “Offer” Regarding Token Creek

Not much of an "offer" . . .

Yes, Homelessness Is Increasing!

It's not our imaginations. Twice a year service providers are required to do a "Point in Time" study to see how many homeless persons we can count. From 2010 to 2013 the numbers have increased from 567 to 831 for the January 31 count. And not everyone was counted.

Impasse on City Stealing Homeless Persons Belongings

JFC, my blogs are depressing this morning, no more time for laying on the couch and being sick - its all out war on those without homes and low-income people when it comes to housing and homelessness - anyone else want to pile on . . . you're not going to believe this one.

Public Housing – Making it Harder to Obtain (Please email)

Yeah, the vacancy rate is about 2%, affordable housing is impossible to obtain and so lets make it harder to get into public housing - housing of last resort for many on fixed incomes.