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Topics related to Dane County. This includes county gov’t and places outside of Madison.

City Week Ahead – Change Number One

 Mon, Jun 17, 2013 at 9:01 AM NOTICE OF MEETING CANCELLATION Meeting: MADISON ELECTION ADVISORY COMMITTEE on 6/17/2013 4:30 PM at ROOM 108 CCB has been...

Donations Needed for Warming Shelter

The warming shelter opens today, and there is a long list of items that they need. But . . . uh, only the things on this list.
local leaders m.i.a.

Amid Pandemic: City, County and School Board take time off

After meetings this week, neither the City Council nor the County Board will meet until April 21st (3 weeks), School Board not meeting until the 27th (4 weeks)?  Each body will meet only once in April.  The mayor seems to be the only decision maker at the city at this point, with the council rubber stamping decisions. What roles should our alders, supervisors and school board members be playing in this pandemic?  How are they representing us in this crisis?

Electricians Endorse Parisi

IBEW also endorses pre-primary.

Second Denial of County Board Open Records Request

Who decided what is in the final Dane County budget package that is presented and passed WITHOUT DISCUSSION? I'm going to find out, one way or the other.  Looks like I'm gonna need lawyers, guns and money. (ok, no guns.)

Court Cases for the Revolution

Here's the dates/times on two of them:

Occupy Madison Building Purchase

If you ever worked on a real estate project, you know it lives and dies, sometimes daily. Today, the project is dead, for now. But the Isthmus just wrote a story that was, in my mind, premature. But hey, maybe someone out there can help us solve our current problem . . .

McDonell Endorsed by Countywide Local Leaders

Town Chair, Mayor, Alder, School Board etc.
dane county week ahead

Dane County Week Ahead 1/13/20

Lame duck session in effect, last week the full county board cancelled their meeting, this week Public Protection and Judiciary and no agenda for Health and Human Needs.

Tavern League Endorses Who in the County Exec Race?

round up

Round Up Saturday 11/30/19

Looks like its time to clean out my inbox!  Here's some things you might find of use!  Parks, Bikes, Buses, Events, MPD survey, downtown neighborhood news and more.

It might be too soon but . . .

If you were confused about Madison Prep and feeling a little liberal white guilt about not supporting it, well, there is good reason for the confusion (you'll have to decide on the liberal white guilt). But take heart, if you were against, you have the NAACP on your side.