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Topics related to Dane County. This includes county gov’t and places outside of Madison.

Permanent Day Center Being Delayed

They are looking at a November 1 opening date. I found out this, and much more at the Homeless Issues Workgroup meeting yesterday.

No Legal Place to Go . . . 26 days and counting . ....

Occupy Madison, coming soon to a neighborhood near you? Yeah, here we go again! Do you hate this as much as I do?

Week 9 Homeless Day Center Update

Things going so much better than last year. Why? Staff attitude! Which created better attitudes all around. Oh, and check out the blog!

Occupy Madison Inc. Needs Your Help!

If you want to help Occupy Madison, we need volunteers, public supporters, donations and much more! If you're like to help, read below to find out how! And thank you!

This is cool . . .

From the Williamson Street Art Center . . .

Occu-PIE Fundraiser

January 29th, Fountain Bar, 5 - 7:30, Pie, Music by Combustible Trio, cash bar, good times. See you there! Let me know if you want to sponsor.

Why Does the County Resist the Simplest of Issues

Laundry and showers could be put in the Warming Center with relative ease and low cost. Fire safety issues also need to be addressed. And isn't the county embarrassed about the porta-potty location? I don't understand their bizarre resistance to making people's lives just the slightest little itty bit better. Instead, they do and say the goofiest of things.

First Draft: Who Will Live at OM House?

One of the biggest issues raised at the community meeting is wanting to know who will be living in the house. There are 8 rooms for 20 people. But how will we decide who lives there. We essentially explained the membershipping process, but that wasn't satisfactory, so here is a first draft in writing of how we will decide. Now, we need the community's help to let us know if there is something missing. Let the feedback begin!

County Week Ahead

Also short, no meetings on Thursday.

The Haters are Getting Aggressive

I'm used to haters, my email is full of examples of it (mostly from when I was an elected official), but it irks the hell out of me when it gets directed towards other people and it professes such ignorance. Check out the latest flyer circulating in the East High area against the homeless who are looking for a place to live. Saturday's meeting could be interesting.

How’s It Going at Token Creek?

I get asked this question about 5 times a day, and I don't really know what to say. It sucks. I personally hate it. But some find a reason to like it. I don't.

This blows . . .

Keeping track of city and county issues are hard enough. Schools are even harder, and now the state is making it hard too . . . just as they are going back into session and I am getting anxious about new landlords/tenant legislation and worrying it will turn my work world upside down again . . . they tell me this!