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Topics related to Dane County. This includes county gov’t and places outside of Madison.

Wisconsin Democracy Campaign Needs Your Help!

This is an amazing organization that does amazing work . . . to keep all of us who don't have time informed of the role of money in our state politics. A watchdog with a bite! My only complaint is they don't do enough local work, and that is only because what they do is so incredible! Anyways, they got some bad news and need your help!

County Economic Development Funds Available

$35,000 per job, they have enough money for 20 jobs.

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr Day Events Coming Up

From the King Coaltion . . . plus additional events.

What A Difference!

Check out the 7 week update from the Day Center for Unhoused persons . . . and stop by and check it out if you have the chance . . . what a difference staffing attitudes make! Specifically, check out the police call information.

How to Get Boots to a Homeless Person

I have to say, as angry as I can get at most local politicians for burying their heads in the sand when it comes to homelessness, I am 100 times more proud of those ordinary people who find it unacceptable and are doing something about it . . . check out this one little example from yesterday.

Who Will Replace Scott McDonell on the County Board?

Special election coming up . . . if interested, its a short timeline to get papers and run a race for the April Elections.

Rally! Rally! Rally!

As the legislature goes back into session, does Wisconsin have the energy left to rally? I'm sure the legislature has a fresh new...

Will Candidates Be Knocked off the Ballot?

Joe Tarr raised an interesting issue that I was just chatting with a friend about - Statement of Interest forms.

Check Out All the Candidates!

So far, the only unopposed Alders are . . . Verveer, Bidar-Sielaff, King, Schmidt, Weier and Clear and two walk-ons Maurice Cheeks and Denise DeMarb. But the deadline is today so we'll see if that changes. And there aren't as many retirements as once expected - only Maniaci, Solomon, Rhodes-Conway and Jill Johnson stepping down.

City and County Week Ahead

Another short week . . .

Occupy Madison Building Purchase

If you ever worked on a real estate project, you know it lives and dies, sometimes daily. Today, the project is dead, for now. But the Isthmus just wrote a story that was, in my mind, premature. But hey, maybe someone out there can help us solve our current problem . . .

Grinch Award.

To Dane County . . . check out this wonderful work.