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Topics related to Dane County. This includes county gov’t and places outside of Madison.

Bizarro E-mail?!

Wow. Occupy has been camping in the parks for quite some time (a year), but I've never seen anything like this . . . the campers I talked to had no idea what this is about . . . and I'm kinda creeped out by it.

HUD Wants Us To . . . Part II: Consider The Story of...

Targeting most vulnerable with longest histories of homelessness, Vulnerability Index, Mayor prioritizing ending homelessness, Office of Homeless Policy, 10 year plan to end homelessness, Interagency Council on Homelessness and true partnerships!

Psssst . . . County Board (non?) Elections Coming Up!

Filing deadline for candidates is January 7th, question is, does anyone in Madison even know? Or care? Only 7 races in of 37 districts.

Dignity? Respect?

So, I'm reposting something Tami Miller from Friends of the State St. Family wrote . . . because I am still thinking about it this morning.

Overture Round Up

Most of the meetings on the topic tend to be in closed session, and its a little hard to tell what is going on . . . but here's what I can tell you . . . which is a quick way to get caught up on all the issues.

What’s So Scary About a Train?

"What's so scary about a train?" That question deserves to be asked seriously because within the answer lies the path forward for those who want to see rail transportation projects of all types survive and thrive in Wisconsin.

Wineke Faux Pas

When running for County Executive in Dane County . . .

Sometimes, I love the Student Newspapers

They accidentally tell the story just a little too truthfully! :) Yeah, we're not discussing the project with the public openly ....

Council Recap (Part I), Sans Zoning Code Rewrite

Well, I got done what I could, I was triple booked last night. This includes the discussion on the hijacking of the Madison Metro bus for the Republican Senators . . . so enjoy! Part II and III may appear later this week if I have time!

WORT Needs Help from Cooks!

For all of you who have that special recipe . . . this is your chance to be in a cookbook!

Edgwater Financing Not Secured?

Hm. Looks like they might not really have the money for the financing secured.

What a Good Idea!

Transparency in local government! I applaud Melissa Sargent for her proposal!