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Topics related to Dane County. This includes county gov’t and places outside of Madison.

Random Not in the News Round Up

Lots going on in the community, and I needed to clean out my inbox . . . so here's a random list of things you should know about!

Vicky Selkowe earns endorsement of entire Madison School Board in AD48 race

Remember, ForwardLookout is a multi-author blog, and we're not all supporting the same candidates. I'm supporting Vicky Selkowe, and I thought this was pretty impressive news: in very strong Democratic field, today she announced the endorsement of every elected member of the Madison School Board. Now, I'm biased, but more and more I'm hearing her described as 'front-runner'... read on for the announcement!

How to Close the Achievement Gap

There is no doubt that almost every agrees this is an issue for the school district. Just not on how to get there. Tonight we get to hear Dan Nehrad's take on it . . . in Fitchburg, where the buses don't run.

Summer is Over County Week Ahead

Three days of meetings as well, but none yesterday, so I procrastinated til today.

County Board Meeting . . . Tonight?

Rescheduled due to the storm and earlier than usual - at 6:00
state of emergency

What does a Wisconsin, Dane County or Madison “State of Emergency” do?

I have found few people who can tell me anything except what most think of - calling up the National Guard and FEMA money from the federal government.  What else?

Help Take A Bite Out of Homelessness!

You know it! The chef's are back and ready to rumble!!!! Kitchen Stadium will be in the ballroom at the Brink Lounge (701 E Washington) tonight 5 - 7. 100% of the funds will go to PREVENT homelessness for families and individuals (unless you want to designate funds for TRC operations). Suggested donation $25, but everyone welcome, donate as you can.
dane county week ahead

County Week Ahead 6/6/22

County board meetings this week . . .

Just When Your Thought Construction Season Was Winding Down

Big closures on East Washington Avenue inbound . . . you might need to find a different way to get to work . . .
dane county week ahead

Dane County Week Ahead 8/7/23

Plenty of county meetings this week, 1 oddly blank agenda.
city committee agendas

Dane County Week Ahead 6/5/23

Late, but here's the updates for the county this week!

McDonell: On Charter St. Plant

Walker has to making people angry in the business community . . . what's up with the war ON jobs.