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Topics related to Dane County. This includes county gov’t and places outside of Madison.

Immigration as a Moral Issue (Day One 9/18)

Leila Pine and the James Reeb Unitarian Universalist Church have embarked on a class to explore the issues. They asked me to video tape it and I felt the issue was important enough to do so. So, here's day one (September 18th). Later this week day two, and hopefully day three!

Volunteer to help Tenants (and Landlords) in need!

Tenant Resource Center is looking for volunteers!

People’s Affordable Housing Vision Near Completion!

If you want to come and help finalize it and sign on, let us know!Access to safe, adequate and affordable housing is a human...

Will Council/County Board Chambers Ever Get Fixed Up?

There has been money in the budget for it . . . So what's the deal?

Decieved – The Big Lie.

As a former member of an elected body, I hate it when you pass something with full expectations that one thing will happen, and then a completely different thing happens. As a member of the public, I hate it when an elected body passes something without really intending to follow through. As a human being, I hate being deceived.

Week of 12/7/20

As it happens, a lot of closed sessions meetings this week. Forward Lookout's Brenda Konkel joins WORT's Dylan Brogan to preview local government meetings and agendas.

Madison/Dane County/School Board Hide Behind Open Meetings Laws?

So, nothing is worse than when public officials use open meetings laws to thwart public information.  I was reminded about how they did that with the Cap Times during the F-35s debate.  See what I found in my open records request.


XTBKSOTYSLDHYSIT? Sometimes the alphabet soup drives me nuts, but if you live in S Madison or drive, walk or bike on John Nolen Drive or Broom or Blair or Wilson or the Bike Trail, you'll want to know what this is . . .

10 years later . . .

The County is finally going to require electronic filing of campaign finance reports. The city has been doing this for years.
Dane County Week Ahead

County Week Ahead

Only 11 10 meetings.

National Homeless Persons’ Memorial Day

Want to help the homeless. Raise awareness and do something practical - that could help save a life this winter.

County Week Ahead

Didn't even get this started last week, again, apologies.