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Topics related to Dane County. This includes county gov’t and places outside of Madison.

Scott McDonell: Concerned about Roads and Bridges?

Invest in Rail

WYOU: One Year Stronger

If you had asked most people a year ago if WYOU would be here today, they would have said no. Well, HERE WE ARE!!! ONE YEAR STRONGER!!!!

Open Letter to City Officials on No Place to Go 2/17 – 4/16

Through a little mistake on the city's part, camping is not allowed (permitted or conditional) under any zoning in the new zoning code . . . hoping they can fix this. And be creative to help us solve our on-going issue of . . . say it with me . . . NO LEGAL PLACE TO GO!
Round Up

Round Up (4/22/19)

Tons of meetings, events and public input opportunities in our community plus a few announcements.

Help with WORT Pledge Drive Coming Up

Phone shifts available for people to answer phones and take pledges! I'm sure they would appreciate the help!

Occupy Residents Have Something to Say to Soglin

Press Conference at 11:00 at Veteran's Park at the top of State St., behind the Veteran's Museum.
round up

Round Up 1/23/20

Didja miss me?  3 trips to the ER and 2 admissions, but I'm back!  Here's a round up of a bunch of random that I didn't cover in the past week.
Dane County Week Ahead

County Week Ahead

Not many meetings this week. Racial disparities for homeless persons, public hearing on lake flooding, and county board to study more jail options, purchase park land and more.

Social Justice Center Turns 12 years old!

12 years . . . seems like only yesterday. Gives awards to Chuck & Connie Smalley and the TAA!

Recovery Coalition of Dane County Ask for Jail Vote Delay

"We feel that at the very least, the Dane County Board of Supervisors should postpone making a final decision on funding to the Jail until this study is complete."

Can you ban people from a public building?

The next salvo from the mayor's office is to institute a procedure to ban people from the city-county building like they do at the library or Lisa Link park. I think it raises a few questions.

Candidates Tapped as Most Likely to Solve City’s Housing Crisis

Sorry - we gave no money. Not as sexy. Funny, we only endorsed two who got money from the Chamber of Commerce - coincidence - or clear difference of opinion of what we need for this city? Or, was it because those who got money from the Chamber didn't bother responding to our survey? See where their priorities are - with the people who need their help, or the people who can help them with money?