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Topics related to Dane County. This includes county gov’t and places outside of Madison.

HUD Wants Us To . . . Part IV: Leverage Mainstream Resources

Mainstream resources, how can we connect them to housing to help people be successful in housing?

Week of March 16, 2020

The longer version than what you will you on WORT - Many government meetings are cancelled due to the coronavirus response. WORT's Dylan Brogan gets the latest from Brenda Konkel on what meetings are still conveying and what comes next.

Some good news for poor people in Dane County

Well, the job center is really not all that notorious for being a friendly place to go, but to not have it at all would be even more problematic. So, I guess this is good news!

MLK Day at Grace Episocal Church

Thanks to Grace Episcopal Church for opening their doors, Karen Andro from First United Methodist Church for coordinating volunteers and Bethel Lutheran Church for helping staff the day. Z! (and board members) from Shine was there most of the day as well.

Wineke Endorsement: Operative Plasteres and Cement Masons

Operative Plasterers & Cement Masons Endorse Joe Wineke for County Executive

An Overture Must Read

Former MCAD/201 State Treasurer speaks up . . . Gives the Council his two cents on the Overture . . . a kinda grim outlook. But hey, that's his job, to be the fiscal conservative voice, perhaps they should listen. Prepare to have this conversation again in a few years, he says.

Protect Your Security Deposit!

Seriously, its your money! My favorite story ever is the person who got charged for carpet cleaning . . . and she had wood floors. The best part was . . .
Dane County Week Ahead

County Week Ahead

Also many meetings! Question of the week - who was responsible for not being able to build additional floors on the current jail?

Tenant Resource Center Extra Hours for Moving Days

It's that time of the year, you've seen the moving trucks and extra garbage on the curbs . . . brace yourselves, here it...

Back to Summer Round Up

Sunny and 80 degrees today, a little different than yesterday. Today is Friday for me, I'm off to Sturgeon Bay for the Steel Bridge Music Festival tomorrow morning. Bringing my computer (and work) with me and intend to be on-line to keep blogging, but the schedule might be a little off. I'll be mostly hanging out at the Ladder House if you make it up that way.
dane county week ahead

Dane County Week Ahead 8/30/21

Homelessness, affordable housing, lake levels, COVID, erosion control and stormwater management and other cheery things on agendas this week.

Great Homeless Services and Housing Overview

This is an excellent overview of the city and to some extent county homeless services system, some challenges and how they are approaching the housing needs at this moment, after Rethke and Tree Lane.  And why.