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Topics related to Dane County. This includes county gov’t and places outside of Madison.

Sickly News Round Up

If you've seen me lately, you may have noticed I"ve been unusually quiet (except for the terrible hacking cough) . . . cuz I pretty much lost my voice and have been sick for the last two weeks.

The County Week Ahead

It is convenient that they have no meeting on Monday, gave me an extra day to get done their schedule. TUESDAY Oct 19 8:30 AM Commission on Sensitive...

Who’s Filed for County Executive?

Officially, no one has the paperwork in to be on the ballot. And, there are five people who have filed paperwork aren't who you think they are. The one with the most paperwork filed isn't a name you've seen in the news.

Buses, RTA and Irony.

So precious.

Dane County Republicans Gone Wild!

What more crazy shit could they do? I want someone to apologize for this. I love my facebook friends, check out this awful/crazy press release about Judge Sumi if you haven't already seen it, their behind the scenes explanation of what they really meant and some of the comments from my friends.

Sunlight on the “Mushroom Patch”

There just is no end to the crap our state is dishing out . . . Tuesday can't come soon enough.

City and County Week Ahead

Another short week . . .

9 days and counting . . . the sound, of silence . ....

Yeah, still no legal place to go. Marsha Rummel was the only one who spoke up at the council meeting on Tuesday, not ONE county board supervisor spoke up last night after our testimony. (But Heidi Wegleitner wasn't there - she was in Texas doing a presentation about housing issues in Madison to the American Bar Association. And David Wiganowsky introduced his resolution allowing and extension earlier in the evening.

Suffer til we build housing?

Really Mayor Paul? You're killing me.

Board of Estimates – Operating Budget Amendments

Board of Estimates - items 2 - 10 passed in one motion. Only two items left, a presentation by the Finance Director for the City's Life Insurance program and the budget item. This is mostly "live blogged" so not as precise and missed a few parts.

Immigration Issues Heating Up

A rally, city and county meetings all coming up in the next week or so!So, here's my show from this weekend on Immigration, the...

DCB Exec Comm: 3 Important Issues Thursday at 6!

The Executive Committee of the Dane County Board meets at 6:00 p.m. in Room 310 of the City-County Building on July 8, 2010.  Here's the agenda with accompanying resolutions: EX20100708attach.pdf