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Topics related to Dane County. This includes county gov’t and places outside of Madison.

Dane Dems, AFSCME 171, PD, and over 100 individuals Sign on

We just got done writing this letter at 4:00 on Tuesday, less than 48 hours later, we have major support from 20 organizations and over 100 individuals.
round up

Round Up, Tuesday, 11/19/19

A bit overdue, but here's what I've got!

March Madness (Homelessness) Rally

Here's most of the videos I have from the March Madness Rally. One more coming.

A Sign of Things to Come

Sorry, no more services for the poor and people in need.

Occupy Madison Forced to . . . Occupy Dane County Parks

Bizarre twist of events made Occupy Madison accidental Occupiers. The Parks Staff are refusing to take our money - but we keep paying.no legal place It's been a bizarre week, yet again.

More Complete list of Madison Ordianances in Jeopardy

This list still isn't complete, but its teh list of the Madison ordinances to protect tenants that are at risk due to LRB 1931 or now known as AB183. Hearing tomorrow at 10:00. Public_Notice_5-2-13_Housing_and_Real_Estate

What do the Bus Fare Increases Actually Mean

All the prices are going up, not just the one-ride price. Monthly bus passes would be up to $64. And the low-income price, essentially unaffordable.

Wineke Says He’s Raising the Most Money Per Day

But not the most money.

“Plan B” for Overture?

Maybe. We'll consider it.
dane county week ahead

Dane County Week Ahead 7/5/21

County meetings this week - redistricting, change orders for the jail and spending more COVID related funds.

Occupy: Should They Stay or Should they Go Now?

Police are telling them one thing, the court and the city attorney said another . . .

Overture Round Up

Most of the meetings on the topic tend to be in closed session, and its a little hard to tell what is going on . . . but here's what I can tell you . . . which is a quick way to get caught up on all the issues.