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Topics related to Dane County. This includes county gov’t and places outside of Madison.

SEIU Heathcare WI want Ballots Impounded & Recounted

Revelation by Waukesha Republican Official with Known Credibility Issues is Questionable & Eerily Familiar to Previous GOP Efforts to Disenfranchise Voters, Re-Write History

Rent Party and . . .

Megin McDonell is leaving the Tenant Resource Center Celebration! (Whoa! Big changes!)

Restrict Conceal Carry = Landlord Discrimination Complaints?

The Apartment Association of South Central Wisconsin recently sent out an informational handout for landlords. I was going to pass it along as being useful, but I noted one glaring error.

Learn about Alternatives for Frautchi/Rowland Vision

The 100 block of State St could be sleek and modern and exclusive, or . . . it could honor our history . . . you can learn more about an alternative vision for the block and why it is important and how we can save the landfills and reduce our carbon footprint.

Green Party Looking for True Progressive Candidate to Challenge Walker

You can call it being a spoiler if you want, but so far, the choices to challenge Walker are uninspiring.

City and County Week Ahead

Another short week . . .

9 days and counting . . . the sound, of silence . ....

Yeah, still no legal place to go. Marsha Rummel was the only one who spoke up at the council meeting on Tuesday, not ONE county board supervisor spoke up last night after our testimony. (But Heidi Wegleitner wasn't there - she was in Texas doing a presentation about housing issues in Madison to the American Bar Association. And David Wiganowsky introduced his resolution allowing and extension earlier in the evening.

Suffer til we build housing?

Really Mayor Paul? You're killing me.

Board of Estimates – Operating Budget Amendments

Board of Estimates - items 2 - 10 passed in one motion. Only two items left, a presentation by the Finance Director for the City's Life Insurance program and the budget item. This is mostly "live blogged" so not as precise and missed a few parts.

K & K Resignation Round Up

One expected. One not!

A moment of silence.

We have a lot to think about.

$25,000 Overture Report

Here's a quick synopsis and links to the chapters. The consultants will be in town this weekend and at the council meeting on Tuesday.