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Topics related to Dane County. This includes county gov’t and places outside of Madison.

Apologies . . .

So, I haven't posted in several days. Have 16 days of video footage with some good stuff and no time to edit ....

Immigration Issues Heating Up

A rally, city and county meetings all coming up in the next week or so!So, here's my show from this weekend on Immigration, the...

Video from Today’s Labor Rally at Wisconsin’s Capitol (More Video Added)

Adventures in video, with Brenda . . . it's not terrible.

County Board Budget Schedule

At the moment . . . it changes . . .

A Tale of Two Committees

Public Safety Review Committee and the Homeless Issues Committee had the same item on their agenda (city procedures for lost or abandoned property) on Tuesday and they had two very different reactions to the ordinance.

Follow up to CCB Signs to Get Rid of the Homeless

City-County Liaison Committee met to discuss, but postponed to the next meeting after a little very annoying information was shared.

It is Thursday, So Here’s a Round Up

You know the routine . . .

Dane County Week Ahead

Sorry I skipped last week, ran out of time . . . here's this week . . . MONDAY, MAY 17, 20106:00 p.m. LAKES...

Salvation Army Cuts Sunday Morning Community Meals

More service cuts, Tenant Resource Center, Community Action Coalition . . . and now, the Salvation Army

Changes to City and County Schedules

6 new meetings for the City and a goofed agenda and extra meeting at the County. The City has managed to only get out 81% of the agenda again - at least that's how the math works out at this point.

Scott McDonell: Smaller County Board Bad for Us

This is in response to the repeated calls from the Wisconsin State Journal for a smaller county board. As usual, the FACTS matter.

End of Grusome Week Round Up

Two intense board meetings, a couple grants and generally just too much work to do, means the blog got a little neglected this week. Not sure its going to get better any time soon. Special thanks to co-foorwardlookout blogger Erik Paulson for filling in with the EDC meeting and the James Madison Park Committee meeting (see post later today).