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Topics related to Dane County. This includes county gov’t and places outside of Madison.

Carpenters Go For Wineke

Another endorsement, and why . . .

WORT Live at the Capitol – Jesse Jackson

From WORT:

Falk Recommends Disolving CARPC

Yup. I'm not kidding.

Tenant Resource Center Reduces Services in the Face of Dwindling Resources

This is the blog post/press release I've been dreading for about 2 years, we knew the day was coming . . .

35% FAIL! for Homeless Shelters

Well, 35% FAIL! for our community!!

Rally Against Citizen’s United/Occupy the Courts Tonight!

We can't have a real democracy if we can't have fair campaigns with candidates that are not bought by the highest bidder.

Evidence of Increasing Poverty

Warning: This isn't pretty.

Bus Stop Voter Registration!

More volunteers needed . . . League of Women Voters and City Clerks office is registering people at bus stops . . .. the process to get qualified to do so it outlined here as well. Remember, there is only one week to get people registered! Starting yesterday . . .

County Board Budget Schedule

At the moment . . . it changes . . .

The Rest of the County Week Ahead

Earlier this week, I suffered from some technical difficulties and writers block on yesterday's post. Hopefully, I'll get back on track now - maybe, but hey, this is what you get for free!

City and County Week Ahead

Um, there is none. City lists one meeting that is cancelled and the county has nothing listed. Everyone enjoy the week off!

Petition Away!

After a full year of the City of Madison blocking electronic petitions, the signatures should start going through today! Yay! Unfortunately, how we got here was a little ugly