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Topics related to Dane County. This includes county gov’t and places outside of Madison.

Public Housing – Making it Harder to Obtain (Please email)

Yeah, the vacancy rate is about 2%, affordable housing is impossible to obtain and so lets make it harder to get into public housing - housing of last resort for many on fixed incomes.

“Shocking” Levels of Contamination Found at Madison-Kipp Corporation in Recent Tests

Recent tests at Madison-Kipp Corporation reveal “shocking” levels of PCEs in groundwater beneath the factory and offsite, according to Dr. Lorne Everett, an international hydrogeology expert and key witness in the RCRA civil lawsuit brought by neighbors against Kipp. Everett, who has worked with hundreds of contaminated sites worldwide, concluded that Madison-Kipp is “one of the most contaminated sites that I’ve ever worked with.”
Dane County Week Ahead

County Week Ahead

8 meetings, County Board meeting will be at Vilas Zoo (insert your own joke here.)

Dane County’s priorities are all messed up

County Executive Joe Parisi likes to talk about Dane County values. And politicians like to say that a budget is a reflection of those values. Given recent events, what exactly are Dane County's values?
Dane County Week Ahead

County Week Ahead

Of interest, Department Equity Plans, questionable contract extensions, "Familiar Faces" presentation on frequent users of county services and the quarterly lake levels management report.

Immigration Resources With Links

I got this through one of the list serves from the Children's Hospital, but thought it might be of interest.  It came with this note "This is not a comprehensive list but it’s a tool we created to use with our team and clients. It might be helpful to direct service staff."

Friends of the State Street Family “Outreach”

Hands down, my favorite group in town! Check out the unbelievable work they do!
Round Up

Round Up

A menagerie of local government and city of Madison things going on around town . . . this one was collected over the past week . . .
Dane County Week Ahead

County Week Ahead

Budget, sweet budget! Public Hearings Wednesday and Thursday! Also, airport noise, suing over not being able to build on top of the jail, affordable housing fund decisions and more.
mo' meetings and round up

Round Up & Mo’ Meetings

This is truly random and quickly done over a couple days . . . it's been a crazy week that included a trip to Atlanta, a death in the family and the elections . . . so, this is what I have!

Wednesday/Thursday Round Up

Here ya go! Enjoy!

Property Owner Willing to Stand Up to City!

Willing to go to court to defend his right to have Occupy camp on his land.