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Topics related to Dane County. This includes county gov’t and places outside of Madison.

November Elections: What’s At Risk?

It seems like more than ever!

Steve Arnold: Help Pave Fitchburg Bus Stops

For 53 cents. This was written yesterday, the meeting is tonight.

MCAD/201 State: Sorry Council, No Delay

You must decide on Overture tonight, not two weeks from now.

17 County Board Members Endorse McDonell as County Exec.

17 of 37, given there are 5 other candidates, and some tough choices, that's kind of impressive.

Dane County Executive poll

The Spring Primary is less than a week away. With the questions surrounding the poll released by Joe Parisi's campaign, I thought...

Crazy 20 days: Wis Labor Protests

This is day 20 of my video taping the current events. The last 24 hours were clearly the craziest. Twice I was told I was risking arrest during the last two weeks, but nothing happened either time, and in the end, justice prevailed, for now . . . here's what happened in the last few hours.

Immigration as a Moral Issue – Day Two

Slowly catching up on everything, here is day two of this series - Leila Pine and Ramona Natera discuss immigration issues and the laws.

Don’t Forget the County Week Ahead

The press virtually ignores them, but they do some interesting and important things. When you can figure out what they are doing ....

Last Minute Voting Info

Sent to neighborhood leaders to help with questions about today . . .

County Week Ahead

Didn't even get this started last week, again, apologies.

Wanna Tour a Frank Lloyd Wright House Tonight at 6:00?

It's free! And I bet you never even knew the house was there!!! And, the house will be impacted by the two new developments proposed for Webster St (hotel and apartments)

$60,000 for Homeless Services instead of a Day Center

Third year in a row, worst plan yet.