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Topics related to Dane County. This includes county gov’t and places outside of Madison.

Emerald Ash Borer is here in Madison!

No more denial!

Thursday Morning Round Up

Here's what I found for this morning . . . two days of info

Monday Morning Round Up . . .

Going old school . . . there's a bunch of stuff at the end that I didn't yet add to the events calendar, so they are here for now . . .

Tenant Resource Center Turning 30!

Read below to get events in your calendar and, let me know if you want to sponsor the events! We've had many challenges over the years, and your support is what keeps us going! Please consider donating!

Important DNR Conservation Congress Tonight

I promised to blog about this, then promptly misplaced the papers with the details, but . . . here's a note from another party...

Tips for Moving Tenants

Er, Tenants who are moving! :) Know any? I bet you do! TOP FIVE FOR 2011 MOVING SEASON! 5. Landlords may not require tenants...

Foreclosure Victory!

So many people in foreclosure don't know what to do, this story is inspiring, because it is a story of victory!

Don Miller Properties to be Used as Daytime Homeless Shelter?

Still trying to get the details on this, I've heard a little, have a few thoughts and think the devil may be in the details (still looking for them - not attached to emails I got).

Occu-Potluck at Occu-Camp!

The Occupiers are back! Well, they've been scattered all over, but they never went away . . .

Occupy will Move by December 9th if . . .

Another long day yesterday, but probably one of the most significant things that the group decided is that they can move by the second Sunday in December if . . .

More Indignities – Head Lice and the Homeless

Who will help them? As far as I can tell - no one . . . except a couple volunteers from a community group not funded by the city or a staff member from a church.

Random Round Up

Still catching up from vacation - so here's a few random things I didn't have more time for.